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Objectives This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) on ruminative thoughts, perceived stress and difficulties in emotion regulation of women with type 2 diabetes.  Methods This quasi-experimental study was carried out using pre-test and post-test design with a control group and a one-step follow-up. About clipsy Reddit Birthday August 20, 2018; Other Interesting Profiles. Want to make posts on your own profile? Sign up to test the Reddit post to profile beta. Blog about source code advertise jobs. Site rules FAQ wiki reddiquette transparency contact us. The mean Ladder score for those who decided to see a dentist was 10.29 (SD = 0.90, range = 9 - 11), compared with a mean score of 6.00 (SD = 1.41, range = 5 - 7) for those who did not. Because of the small number of participants who did not decide to see a dentist, no statistical test of the difference between the means was computed.

Dispositional mindfulness, spirituality and religion, and their role as protective factors of substance use in Mexican adolescents

Axel Ramírez-Garduño, Marcela Veytia López, Rosalinda Guadarrama Guadarrama, Jennifer Lira-Mandujano


Introduction: Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to risky behaviors, such as the use of psychoactive substances (alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs), which can lead to other disorders throughout life. As substance use has risen over the years, the integration of new perspectives into the culture of prevention and care in youth and the general population is important. This study aimed to evaluate the relationships between dispositional mindfulness, spirituality and religion, and their role as protective factors of the psychoactive substance use in adolescents, analyzing additionally the differences in mindfulness and spirituality scores between substance and non-substance users, and between the different religious/spiritual groups.

Method: A cross-sectional study was carried out, in which 433 adolescent high school students between the ages of 14 and 19 were evaluated (Mean = 16.27 ± .91). Statistical correlation tests were performed to assess the relationship between variables, in addition to Student t-test and one-way ANOVA to explore differences in mindfulness and spirituality scores of substance and non-substance users, and between religious/spiritual groups, respectively. Finally, by means of a binary logistic regression analysis, the degree of prediction of psychoactive substance use was evaluated.

Results: The sample reported higher consumption of psychoactive substances compared to the last national survey. Dispositional mindfulness was positively correlated with spirituality and religion, and inversely correlated with substance use, with mild to moderate strength. Additionally, individuals who used psychoactive substances had significantly lower mindfulness scores than those who had never used it at all, but no differences were found regarding spirituality scores. The scores in mindfulness and spirituality were significantly higher in those who formally belonged to a religion. Finally, belonging to a religion, followed by dispositional mindfulness were the best predictor variables as a protection factor for alcohol and drug consumption, while spirituality was not a variable that significantly contributed to the models and was therefore eliminated.

Discussion orConclusion: Dispositional mindfulness, spirituality, and religion are interrelated variables. Belonging to religion and dispositional mindfulness may be a better protective factor against substance use in adolescents than spirituality. Dispositional mindfulness was also greater in those who formally belonged to a religion. Finally, the psychoactive substance use could alter mindfulness-related abilities, but more research is needed to complement and clarify these results in the Mexican population.


mindfulness; spirituality; religion; substance use; drugs; Mexican teenagers; health; alcohol; tobacco; addictions; risky behaviors; psychoactive substances; prevention


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Nova Scientia is a multidisciplinary, electronic publication that publishes twice a year in the months of May and November; it is published by the Universidad De La Salle Bajío and aims to distribute unpublished and original papers from the different scientific disciplines written by national and international researchers and academics. It does not publish reviews, bibliographical revisions, or professional applications.

Nova Scientia, year 12, issue 24, May – October 2020, is a biannual journal printed by the Universidad De La Salle Bajío, with its address: Av. Universidad 602, Col. Lomas del Campestre, C. P. 37150, León, Gto. México. Phone: (52) 477 214 3900, Chief editor: Ph.D. Ramiro Rico Martínez. ISSN 2007 - 0705. Copyright for exclusive use No. 04-2008-092518225500/102, Diffusion rights via computer net 04 - 2008 – 121011584800-203 both granted by the Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor.

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